Saturday, April 3, 2010

a long way from home

I'm currently in Kelowna, BC and hating every minute of it. Sure it's great to see my grandparents and spend time with my grandmother who is terminally ill but I really don't like Kelowna in general.

Now my mother is considering moving us here to be closer to my grandfather. He even admits that he probably won't last very long after my grandmother passes.

We're all out here because she's in the hospital. Her blood pressure dropped so low the doctors thought she was dead and that she shouldn't be alive right now.

She was really happy to see me, I surprised her yesterday by busing it up here a few days early. We're all going to celebrate my birthday together. If she isn't out of the hospital by tuesday, we'll just have the party in her hospital room.

Now back onto diet news. I weighed myself this morning. I'm officially 200 pounds as opposed to the 210 I was 2 weeks ago. I feel great! Seriously, my posture is better and I can do so much more without tiring out quickly.

I wasn't able to bring my weights with me so I can't really work out like I would at home. So I'm using thick heavy books. I've memorized the workout and can do it now without the DVD. I just count it out.

I'm probably going to be living off cheerios for the next few days because there's not much in the cupboards (my grandparents are selling their house so all their stuff is packed) and my grandpa's idea of a meal is McDonald's take out. So cheerios it is.

I got assignments to do and one more book to read. I went through an entire Torchwood book during the bus ride. 6 hours, good time. I'm a fairly good reader actually. Back when I use to read Harry Potter I read 'The Half Blood Prince' in one night.

I feel better now that I've ranted and updated you all.

No advice today, just proceed as usual. :)

When I get home I'll post before and mid-loss pictures.


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