Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm back down to 200 and I'm celebrating by making ginger snap cookies. Mmmm. It smells good in here.

I haven't worked out yet, I've been super busy cleaning and sort-of unpacking (meaning it was unpacked and tossed wherever). This whole Fruit Detox? Works like fabulously. I've got more energy and I feel great. No stomach problems, no headaches, no nothing.

Oh and my chest cramp went away, sort of. I can still feel it a bit when I move but it's almost like a ghost now.

I'm off to taste my cookies.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dentists are cruel cruel people. Went in for a normal cleaning and since its been 2 years since my last one, they took X-rays and poked around. Found for 4 cavities (first I've ever had) and said I needed 4 fillings pronto. I opted to get them done all at once today.

4 hours later, I feel like a chipmunk.

Started off decently with the fruit detox but ended the say with a little bit of McDonald's. I can barely chew so fries it the easiest thing to eat.

Couldn't workout today (forgot to yesterday) because I had the world's worst chest cramp. I still have it and its almost bed time. It hurts to sit up, lay down, turn, etc..

Hopefully all is better tomorrow.


Monday, April 12, 2010

So when the lovely CurrentCustom told us all about her Fruit Detox, it didn't really click that it was a detox until a few minutes ago when my body was "cleansed". So eating nothing but fruit (plus a sandwich for dinner) all day is good?

Anyway I just weighed myself (after a full day of eating and drinking) I'm at 205. I'm hoping that's the food and water. Not me gaining all my weight back.

Tomorrow I'm continuing with the Fruit Detox. Grapefruit for breakfast, banana & strawberries for lunch, grapes for a snack and something healthy for dinner. Even I can't do a straight fruit detox (Kudos to Lorraine!) because I constantly get overwhelming cravings for extra salty goods. Today I traded that in for strawberries with a pinch of splenda to bring out the flavor. I just really love my salt. It's a vice but I'm not willing to part. So if I need a salty quick fix, I'll have a pickle or something.

My mother/grandmother were flown in by the hospital via helicopter so my grandma could get plasmapheresis done. My grandfather is driving and he's bringing us a few things for our apartment.

Owie my tummy is protesting again.

I think I'm going to lay down.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

on to level 2

So while at my grandparents I was very naughty and ate all the junk food they gave me. Bags of chips, candy and really salty foods. I loved every second of it.

Over the 3 days since I've been back, I worked out once and not at all at my grandparents.

Today I felt it best to start the next level of the 30 day shred and I forgot how much I miss the feel of tired muscles after a good workout. Level one was just too easy for me now. I'll admit to make two minor adjustments to the cardio moves. I had a breast reduction a year ago and every time I "jump" my breast go up as well and slam back down. It's actually very painful for me so I'd do half of the double jump rope and butt-kicks or punches for the last half. (In case your wondering, my breast reduction was botched. Never see Dr. Z in Winnipeg. He's a butcher)

I feel really good now. I had a shower, had some breakfast and got my workout over with.

One thing I noticed is if I do my workout in the afternoon or evening, I don't feel as good during the day. Also my performance and dedication to the workout isn't as strong. So while working out first thing after waking up isn't for everyone, it works great for me.

I really don't feel like going to the store to buy fruit (lots in the fridge went bad since I was gone so long) so I'm only going to be eating whatever I can find in my cupboards/fridge. Noodles, grapefruit (must eat quickly, it's getting ripe), tofu-chicken, and lots of tomato soup.

I've decided today should be a productive day. I spent the last 3 days watching TV on my computer and haven't accomplished much so I'm going to try learning a card trick or brushing up on my signing. Just so I don't feel like I'm lounging around again. Something is better than nothing.

Weight update
I started at 210 and I'm currently at 201 (up a pound from last week from all that binging at my grandparents)


Sunday, April 4, 2010

quick fix

Just a quick update before bed. Haven't worked out in 3 days and I'm so bored. I feel gross. I'm used to sugar free/diabetic friendly food and all my grandparents have is salty/sugary food. They don't even have whole wheat bread, only white. :(

My grandpa is going to take me out to the bar and casino on my birthday since I'm finally legally able to. Yippy. Sadly I don't like caesars, which is what the bar's famous for.

Gotta run. Grandpa needs the comp.

Ciao people

Saturday, April 3, 2010

a long way from home

I'm currently in Kelowna, BC and hating every minute of it. Sure it's great to see my grandparents and spend time with my grandmother who is terminally ill but I really don't like Kelowna in general.

Now my mother is considering moving us here to be closer to my grandfather. He even admits that he probably won't last very long after my grandmother passes.

We're all out here because she's in the hospital. Her blood pressure dropped so low the doctors thought she was dead and that she shouldn't be alive right now.

She was really happy to see me, I surprised her yesterday by busing it up here a few days early. We're all going to celebrate my birthday together. If she isn't out of the hospital by tuesday, we'll just have the party in her hospital room.

Now back onto diet news. I weighed myself this morning. I'm officially 200 pounds as opposed to the 210 I was 2 weeks ago. I feel great! Seriously, my posture is better and I can do so much more without tiring out quickly.

I wasn't able to bring my weights with me so I can't really work out like I would at home. So I'm using thick heavy books. I've memorized the workout and can do it now without the DVD. I just count it out.

I'm probably going to be living off cheerios for the next few days because there's not much in the cupboards (my grandparents are selling their house so all their stuff is packed) and my grandpa's idea of a meal is McDonald's take out. So cheerios it is.

I got assignments to do and one more book to read. I went through an entire Torchwood book during the bus ride. 6 hours, good time. I'm a fairly good reader actually. Back when I use to read Harry Potter I read 'The Half Blood Prince' in one night.

I feel better now that I've ranted and updated you all.

No advice today, just proceed as usual. :)

When I get home I'll post before and mid-loss pictures.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

back on the horse

Work out is over and done with. Yippee. I feel better already. I was bad Saturday night, I had candy and really yummy Bulgarian food. But all is ok now. I may have had cold pizza for breakfast but I'm still chugging the water like its nobody's business.

Finally found the missing pieces to my sewing machine and I can get started on this really awesome shirt I drew up the other day. Gotta find a base pattern that's similar though and just make the changes as I go.

Painted my nails a very lovely striped pattern. White & Orange with a black stripe down the middle. I'll take a picture later and upload it tonight. I've been going hog wild with the nail polish lately. First leopard print with sky blue, then tiger stripes and now this very mod look. I already have my next idea ready to go.

I want to make a youtube video but my hair isn't being very nice today and I reeeeally don't feel like slathering on makeup.

And now I'll leave you with my advice of the day;

Love what you eat

So you're not a fan of salad, ok that's fine. Not everyone is the same. Doesn't mean you can't eat healthily. When at a restaurant browse the appetizer section and see if there's something there other than chicken fingers that interests you. Maybe opt for the grilled chicken sandwich and skip the extra slice of bread. If all else fails, order something that is at least somewhat healthy (if not a bit bland) and add hot sauce or some spice to it. Try to lay off the salt though, it's not really your friend.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

mmm grapefruit for lunch

Sunday is relax day. No working out first thing and that just...doesn't feel right. I feel so lazy! I have the urge to put on a work out DVD and just go go go.

The Shen Yung thing was ok, not what I hoped for or expected. I was thinking it was going to be a story performed through dance, y'know that kind of thing. Instead it was little skits over 2 and half hours. I was bored 10 minutes in and was seriously trying to keep my eyes open.

On the bright side I got two books. Torchwood: Almost Perfect and Doctor Who: Beautiful Chaos. I shall review them! Youtube perhaps? I'm still looking for my stupid webcam. It's up and gone missing. I hope I didn't lose it when I moved.

Still on a job hunt but with this stupid recession and with the Olympics come & gone, no place wants to hire someone with so little experience. There's hoards of people out there with more experience than myself and we're all fighting for the same job. Sucks to be me.

I've been thinking of opening an Cafepress store or something, I'm always designing things and making knick-knacks.

Got my birthday presents from my mother, the books and a silver ticket to Salute to Supernatural Vancouver Convention. :) She's volunteering at that. Going to make some graphics and order them from photobucket and get the stars to sign them. So far only 4 or 5 people have signed on but hopefully it'll be HUGE like last year. It was the biggest Supernatural convention ever, guest star wise.

Anywho, seeing as it's so late in the day for me -no words of wisdom. Today is the day for relaxation, no diet, no exercise, no nothing. Just sit back and enjoy the day because tomorrow it's off the couch and back to those work out DVDs.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

it's good to be tired

How many times do you have to tell someone to PRINT? I cannot read my mother's handwriting 90% of the time and I asked her to make me a list of what she wants for her birthday. It's all handwritten.

Ok ranting aside, work out is done today. I feel sparkly and awesome for working out everyday for 6 days straight. My muscles are pleasantly toned.

Tonight I'm going to see this oriental dance performance with my mother. She's excited, me I'm 'meh' about it. But I'll humour her.

Before that we're heading to our friend's restaurant for some good old fashion Bulgarian food. Then we're off to the bookstore for Torchwood and Doctor Who books! Feels a bit like Christmas.

My official 19th is in just over a week, I plan to look halfway decent which is why as of tomorrow I'm going to start level 2 of the 30 day shred.

Anywho, gotta go. Time to do my hair and look for a shirt that is comfy, flattering and doesn't flash people when I bend forward.

My advice for the day is do something differently. Today when you're at a restaurant and about to order your meal, chose a healthy choice rather than those delicious barbecue ribs you were eyeing at the next table. Or when you're at the store and about to pick up that good ole' chocolatey snack, go for a pack of a gum or those "light" bars with half the calories.

Another great idea is to make the conversion from regular ice cream to diabetic friendly. Chapman's has a great vanilla ice cream that's sugar free but if that's not your style, go for the Maple Walnut or Black Cherry.

Ciao, Alannah

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hello hello

Woke up this morning and didn't want to get out bed. Slept in till 10:45am and I really cannot believe it. Normally I only need 8-9 hours. That's almost 11 right there.

Anyway, I weighed myself and proceeded to work out with a smile. I'm down 6 pounds from Sunday when I last weighed myself. Fab-ulous.

When I looked in the mirror this morning as I was brushing my teeth, even I noticed a difference. Even in the way I stand, my posture is better! I missed feeling this good.

In case you're wondering, I'm not a breakfast person at all but occasionally I will get a craving for pancakes. So in the morning after my workout, I'll have a handful of almonds just so I don't get hunger pains before lunch. Usually I feel a bit ill if I have cereal or toast within 2 hours of waking up but luckily with almonds I seem to be just fine.

At lunch I'll have a snack bar with fruit or left over dinner (usually fish or salad). Then for dinner I'll have whatever is quickest and somewhat healthy.

I have words of motivation for you today, hopefully they inspire you as they have inspired me.

I could be...but then again, I don't have to be

You could be one of those people who spend their lives in front of their Television sets wishing for a better life, a healthier life. But you can also be that someone who gets off that couch, puts down that chocolate and gets exactly what they want. Just because someone says it's impossible or that you can't, doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

I was told I would fail 3 of my grade 12 courses and that I would not be likely to get a passing mark even with 100% on my final exams. To which of course I passed all of them.

My best motivation is when someone tells me I can't. I thrive on the feeling I get when I achieve what someone said I could not.

So I dare whoever stumbles upon this to get off the couch today and go for a walk around the block. Even if its raining, just grab an umbrella and go. When you get come, you'll feel so much better knowing that you can do it. You can be a better you.

I should go, I'm starting to sound like a self help book. See you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

good day to you too

It is a new day and it is glorious. I've been working out every morning within the first hour of waking up for about 4 days now and I already feel and see a difference.

There's more energy to go around and I'm sleeping in less. My jeans are fitting a bit better and when I looked at the scale this morning, I'm 4 pounds lighter even after eating.

That's good motivation for ya there. I have a goal dress and I'm determined to fit into it by the end of April. 10 pounds and I should be without a bubble when wearing it.

I am well aware that no one is reading this as of yet but hopefully someone will stumble upon my words and find motivation. Motivation to do what is totally up to you.

Seeing as this is my first official post, I'll say a few things about myself.

I'm almost 19 years old (12 days shy actually) and I'm originally from Winnipeg, Canada. I currently live in Coquitlam, BC just outside of Vancouver/Burnaby. I write stories and poems in my spare time and if my natural writer's fear of having someone read my work doesn't get in the way, I'll post a few poems for you to read.

I think I'll make a few youtube videos, not sure. I'm one of those people who thinks it a good idea at the time but later on gets nervous about such things. I'm weird like that.

Television is a big part of my life. I enjoy coming up with concepts for new shows and coming up with new story-lines for my favorites. Such as Doctor Who, Torchwood, Supernatural, Castle and Mercy.

I make a few youtube videos using sony vegas and I use to have up a tutorial channel (2-3 videos plus fanvids) that got deleted because someone decided to be mean and flag it.

Anywho, I think that's all for now. I'll see about doing an introductory video that goes into more detail about myself and what this blog is going to be about.
